Tuesday, March 17, 2015

REVIEW + TOP TEN + GIVEAWAY (!) : RORY (In The Company of Snipers, #6) by Irish Winters

RORY (In The Company of Snipers, #6) By: Irish Winters Pages: 304 
Published: February 9, 2015 
Publisher: Windy Day Press
Agent Rory Dennison is every woman’s dream. Tall, dark and Hollywood handsome, the ex-Marine scout sniper maintains a private life none of his teammates suspect. The TEAM is just a job. He intends to keep it that way—until assassins murder the father of the tiny Tibetan girl in his charge.

Rory finds himself pulled into a world of mystery and intrigue when he and his companion agent, Ember Davis, are forced to flee with Nima Dawa. Too late he discovers Nima is not only destined to become the next Dalai Lama, but she has an unearthly gift of sight.
She can see right through him. And she does.
His carefully guarded private life is suddenly at risk. He doesn't know what to trust or who to believe. The world is too full of shadows.
He isn't the only one with secrets.... 
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble  
Irish Winters is an award-winning author who dabbles in poetry, grandchildren, and rarely (as in extremely rarely) the kitchen.
More prone to be outdoors than in, she grew up the quintessential tomboy on a farm in rural Wisconsin, spent her teenage years in the Pacific Northwest, but calls the Wasatch Mountains of Northern Utah home. For now. 
The wife of one handsome husband and the mother of three perfect sons, Irish divides her time between writing at home and travelling the country with her man while - writing. (Seriously, what else?)
She believes in making every day count for something and follows the wise admonition of her mother to, "Look out the window and see something!" To learn more about Irish and her books, please visit www.IrishWinters.com.

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TBA ~ Amazeballs Book Addicts – Review 

1.     Alex Stewart lost the grandmother shortly after his wife and daughter were killed in an automobile crash. He had contemplated suicide during that black moment in his life, but not since he’s met Kelsey.
2.     Mark Houston is a hopeless romantic who fell in love at first sight with Libby Clifton.
3.     Zack Lennox was the quintessential bad boy until he met Mei.
4.     Harley Mortimer misses his mother, but he’s angry with his father for throwing him out of the house after he joined the Army out of high school. It’s part of the reason he gravitates toward dogs. They love him no matter what. It’s also why he loves Judy so passionately. She understands the concept of forgiveness. Now that’s true love….
5.     Connor Maher’s father, Detective Connor James Maher of the Boston Police Department, was killed in the line of duty when Connor was fifteen. He and his partner got into a shoot-out with Paddy O’Donnell, the Irish arms dealer. Connor and his six brothers walked alongside their mother, Bridgette, in the funeral parade the day his father was honored by the city of Boston.
6.     A talent scout from Hollywood approached Rory Dennison in his senior year of high school. She had the nerve to stuff an airplane ticket down the front of his football jersey while he was quarterbacking the homecoming game, said she could make him a millionaire on his looks alone. He let the ticket drop to the dirt and threw the winning touchdown pass. He followed in his father and grandfather’s footsteps and became a Marine instead. It’s a family thing….
7.     Taylor Armstrong was the only child of a USMC General. Taylor grew up not remembering anything about his real mother, a Native American Indian who died when he was four. All he has left of her is the Saint Michael’s medal around his neck and an odd hollow feeling in his heart.
8.     Gabriel Armstrong lost his lower right leg during a failed op in Afghanistan right before he came home. He wears a transtibial prosthetic below his right knee, but is thankful every day. His best friend, Maverick, lost more. He lost his baby brother in the same failed op.
9.     Maverick Carson had never ridden a horse before he met China Wolf, the raven-haired and very beautiful owner of the Wild Wolf horse ranch in Western Wyoming. He wrote a love song to his baby brother, lamenting the loss of innocence among little boys. Darrell Carson was killed in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 2004.
10.Cassidy Dancer grew up in Ogden, Utah, but moved to Seattle, Washington, to work for The TEAM.
11.Adam Torrey is the flying squirrel on the TEAM. He lives for the adventure and high risk of a HALO drop, a High Altitude Low Opening parachute drop.
12.Lee Hart was captured and tortured by the Taliban in Afghanistan. During his darkest days, the thing that kept him believing he would be saved was the song, Amazing Grace.

13.Hunter Christian is probably the darkest of all of Alex Stewart’s agents. He’s a foul-mouthed, tattooed ex-Marine who’s convinced he lost his soul the day he joined up. Man, is he in for a surprise.